Looking Back


2’22”/ 2018/ Italy / 16mm, found footage

A process of experimentation similar to an inner alchemy, which is based on the research and manipulation of the material that contains in itself a value of rediscovered intimacy.
Rediscovery of home and found footage, through an approach that gives the film a clear individual and collective historical symbolism.
Only by violating this historicity can one obtain an authentic internalization of the same: the film is thus torn with the processing techniques ranging from manual intervention to the use of chemical agents.
Once this first phase of aggressive awareness of the medium is concluded, it is not a second one, made up of the search for the surviving elements that emerge from the chaos and enhanced them.

Selected on:
Rassegna Online di Videoarte
20.10.2018 – 15.02.2019

International Video Art Festival
Nov, 2019